lights, camera, ACTION!

when i saw that Entertainment Weekly did a list of the 25 greatest action heroes of all time, i easily guessed who was #1 (they gave away that Arnold's return to the role he was born for in Terminator 2 did NOT grab top honors)... i will help you by telling you it wasn't the venerable Bruce Lee's genius in Enter The Dragon either.

sadly, no black people made the list of venerable butt-kickers, but they DID give a nod to Desperado's Antonio Bandares (for my brown people) and there are TWO women on the list. anyways, go check it out and let me know what YOU thought of the list (i can think of at least ONE noteworthy snub...)!
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B_Steelo said...

I'd have given it to Lee also

Samax said...

yeah, me too.

i also found it conspicuous that Mel Gibson (or rather, Lethal Weapon's Martin Riggs) was nowhere on the list...

Anonymous said...

good blog!
desperado is my shit!

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