Jason Pearson's Body Bags

what have i been thinking? i got a blog called ghettoManga, a stated purpose to hip the unsuspecting masses to fly hipHop flavored comics with anime-worthy pinache, and have yet to mention a book of MASSIVE proportions?

forgive me friends... today, i give you Jason Pearson's Body Bags. i first saw J.Pearson's work on covers (i bought Catalyst: Agents of Change primarily for his next-level cover art...), and was blown away by his impeccable sense of movement, flash and incredibly polished anime-ish style. in a field of Graph and Anime inspired artists of the mid-nineties (and there were A. LOT of 'em), Pearson's work stood far and away the best of the bunch.
anyways, Body Bags was part of Dark Horse's "Blanc Noir" imprint (with such notable label-mates as Brian Stelfreeze, Cully Hamner and Adam Hughes [if you don't recognize those names... i got a TON o' work ta do...]) . the house eventually folded, but not before j.p. wrote, drew and dropped the opus-worthy miniseries, Father's Day, which introduced us to Mack (aka "Clownface"), ruthless Body Bagger (high stakes bounty hunter) his elderly partner Pops, and his long-lost daughter (and wanna-be baby bagger) the bodacious Panda.

the book is PURE. F^&*^IN' GENIOUS!!! it's a violent, irreverant, blood-spraying masterpiece!!! Jason's new stompin' grounds, the aptly named 12-gauge Comics, has re-released Father's Day, so please do yourself a favor and go COP IT!!! for those too paranoid to trust me, go preview Father's Day for self.


the Ongoing Persecution of Slick Rick

More than ten years after an immigration judge first ruled that Slick Rick's "outstanding equities" entitled the British-born rapper to remain in America despite the efforts of the federal government to deport him for committing a felony here in 1990, he is once again facing deportation. (more)

"Spontaneous" by samax

greetings Fam!
the story below is called "Spontaneous" because i made it up as i went. i created this story as part of 24 hour Comicbook Day. i prefer to call it a "Freestyle Comic" for two reasons, though:

1) a true 24 hour Comic is not allowed to be incomplete
2) "Freestyle" is a hip hop word, and evokes all kinds of good feelings that i want to connect to this kind of project.

"whaddaya mean, PROJECT?" you may ask... since i made this, i decided to keep adding to it periodically, so keep your eyes open for more, as i will be adding to the story (as well as publishing the results in a quarterly artbook/sketchbook called ... Spontaneous).
lemme know what you think...

Hip Hop Education...

a'ight fam! your boy is back from the edge of procrastination! many of my readers are not here because of Hip Hop (can you believe it?!?!), so they don't even know how much fresh rappin's goin' on in the streets!!

so many of the people i run into think hipHop is just the stuff they see on teevee or hear on local radio stations... and of course, they don't like it! so sad. so, as normal, i gotcha back, homey!
Each week i will have a new song featured on this blog, lettin' you know what's what on some REAL hip hop ish! just look for the link on the sidebar "This Week's Cut" for quality rhymin'...

anyways, this week's joint is "Say Yes" by freestyle legend C-Rayz Walz (with friends, including Canibal Ox's Vordul Mega, and Wordsworth from lyricist's lounge).

24 hr Comic Attempt

well, i tried to do a 24 hour comic and failed... but in a GOOD way!
a 24 hour comic is basicly what it sounds like: a complete 24 page comic, written drawn and lettered all in one day. it's not unusual to spend a day drawing one page, so trying to do a whole comic in one day is pretty crazy.
thank comic book intellectual (no, that's not an oxymoron!) Scott McCloud for popularizing the idea...
anyways, i tried it, and got 10 pages drawn, which i will get posted this week (they still need to be lettered...). my friend mike did a good job of it last year using a stream of consciousness drawing technique, but that didn't work for me.
i wound up doing a spontaneous story that was basicly a grudge match between me and my roommate and top friend Corance... it's the BOMB!
i'll post the pages in the next few days. and i will be finishing that story maaadd soon. so stay tuned...


here's a one panel collabo i did for ArtLimited... there were several pieces as part of this commission. i had fun, and hopefully will be getting more work. we'll see...

Wise Intelligent Live Part 1

Wise Intelligent of PRT gets live on the micro. perhaps by watching this 10 min clip, you'll get an understanding of what i REALLY expect from my hipHop...

maybe not. i love you anyways...