HOLY CRAP! This new Playdough joint "Saint Dangle" is my SHEET!

"Preparing tables in the sight of my enemy
Dallas making dead presidents, word to John F Kennedy."

Peep this 24 page (p)review of BAAKO, the new all-ages fantasy graphic novel by brilliant young cartoonist Joshua Covey!

Here's the first chapter of BAAKO Volume 1, the kickstarter-funded debut graphic novel from Joshua Covey (FREELANCERS). If you've never heard of Josh before, that's fine because this is the REAL Joshua Covey right here. Kick your feet up and get familiar...

Read the first issue of Larime Taylor's A VOICE IN THE DARK: GET YOUR GUN here! Issue two is in stores now.

 I never read Larime Taylor's serial killer soap opera A Voice in the Dark before today, but this cover to A Voice in the Dark: Get Your Gun #1 caught my eye, and the sales pitch said it was a good jumping on point for new readers. So I jumped on. Did I mention the whole first issue was posted online by the publisher, Top Cow? Yeah... free comics...

Peep the new video for "The Music" by @Venomous2000 (produced by @Dj_Keal)

That dude Venomous2000 celebrated the New Year like an emcee should. No, he didn't catch a murder charge! Rappers going to jail is so 2014, son! Instead, he dropped a new video for The Music, the fresh new single from his latest album, A Moment To Reflect 3. Peep...