Random Rap Shit- "Best in Show" by P.CASSO, @VonPea & @HomeboySandman, PLUS a super sick cypher!

I never heard of this dude P.CASSO, but the word nerd flow made me do a double take while I was drawing, so I figured I'd share this video for Best in Show (f/Von Pea and Homeboy Sandman)...

"This isn't a mudhole. It's an operating table. And I'm the Surgeon." -the Goddamn Batman.

Ran across this screencap on Twitter recently. It's from an episode of Batman: The Animated Series called Legends of the Dark Knight that paid homage to three different eras of Batman's pop culture history. This segment is a shout out to the gloriously vicious mudhole brawl from Frank Miller's industry-bending graphic serial The Dark Knight Returns.

#nowPlaying Roc Marciano "Snow" f/@SeanPrice (@RobViktum remix) #riP!

Sigh... I get periodically bummed about the recent passing of the mighty Sean Price. My dude Rob Viktum feels me... Here's a remix he did of that Roc Marciano joint Snow that Ruck featured on...

"Hail Meg my nigga! You never gone. Reincarnated through me: P! Mega Sean!" @SeanPrice r.i.P!

Rest in peace to the bar-barian, Sean Price. Here's his last video, Figure More...

My FAVORITE comic right now: PREZ by Mark Russell, Ben Caldwell, Mark Morales, and Jeremy Lawson from @DCCOMICS

 I was asked recently what my favorite comic was, and at the time, I had only read the first issue of PREZ- the unlikely rise of nineteen year old fast food worker Beth Ross to the highest political office in America- but it was still the best comic I was reading. Now that issue three is in stores, I'd say this hilarious satire of politics, celebrity, and social media culture is still the best comic I'm reading now.  Check out some sample pages from each of the first three joints...

"I'm a work in progress. Came a long way from the jerk in the projects." @SeanPrice #riP!

My Twitter bredren Snake Plisskin dropped this Sean Price joint on my timeline a couple days ago. Also, I've been thinking of Simonson ever since I drew that Black Panther vs Thor joint for Jack Kirby's born day. Also Sean Price drops a Thor reference in Haraam, which I also posted because this is GhettoManga, son...