In stores TODAY: Zander Cannon's KAIJUMAX: Season One trade paperback

I haven't read nearly enough of Zander Cannon's work, but I LOVED his work on SMAX (no relation), the spinoff of Alan Moore's superhero cop drama TOP TEN.  Cannon is an incredible cartoonist,so based on this preview I think i need to get my hands on this KAIJUMAX paperback...

#nowplaying "OUT TO WIN (Wonder Breed remix)" by Sivion (featuring Manchild and Macho Ortega)

Just ran across this remix of Out To Win (from Sivion's album Group Therapy) by some dude named Wonder Breed. It's dope. Peep...

For all the anthro fans: THE MIGHTY ZODIAC #1 from @OniPress

Check out this short preview of The Mighty Zodiac #1, the new anthro comic by J. Torres, Corin Howell and Maarta Laiho.

#nowPlaying that Rapsody Tiny Desk Concert

Rapsody is nice or whatever. Here's her Tiny Desk joint...

OH SNAP! New NUMBER13 in the works?!?

So you know I'm already geeking on Robert Love from the new Dark Horse project Children of the Plague he's been teasing about. Now I'm bugging about this new Number13 page he leaked on Facebook this week!

a few words about pioneering cartoonist and entrepreneur Jackie Ormes, w/portrait by @RobertTRES Liu-Trujillo

Arie Monroe first introduced me to the story of Jackie Ormes, the first black female cartoonist, a few years ago. But this week,  one of my contributors shared a link to the BNP/CBLDF article on Jackie's career on the Facebook page, and then my dude TRES posted this portrait of her on his blog... so I just had to go looking for more info on Jackie, cause I'm a nerd like that...