A list of the characters in that DARE: SHOOK cover concept from my sketchbook archives

Nobody asked me who the characters were in this drawing when I posted it on Twitter, but I will geek out about my art even if you don't, so here's a list- top to bottom, left to right- of characters in this drawing of teen action hero Darius "Dare" Davidson.

That damn @DanLish1... ain't Nuthin' ta f*!k wit...

As an illustrator learning to better myself through positive thinking, I've learned not to compare my work to that of other artists.  For example, I NEVER EVER measure myself against the brilliance produced by dudes like Brighton-based drawing machine Dan Lish.  'Cause THAT mofo can draw his ASS off...

"Riddick" and more drawings by birthday boy, Tony Delane Morris! (((airhorn)))

Riddick by Tony Delane Morris
Just wanted to wish a quick happy 50th birthday to Dallas area cartoonist and caricaturist Tony Delane Morris.  No better way to do that than by sharing some of his incredible, fun-filled drawings. So for starters, peep this fresh drawing of Vin Diesel as everyone's favorite unstoppable antihero, Riddick. Dope, right? More below...

New CAGE AND FIST comic by @DavidWalker1201 and @SanfordGreene shows what @MARVEL is getting right (and wrong)

NOTE: Luke Cage doesn't like being called Powerman anymore, so I will be referring to the new  Powerman and Iron Fist series by David Walker and Sanford Green as Cage and Fist.  You should too...