Here's Gorilla Monsoon, off the upcoming collabo record by Westside Gunn and the mighty rhyming supervillain MF DOOM.

(BLADE RUNNER + anime) x Shinichiro Watanabe = FUCKYEAH #DoTheMath

So I took a minute to watch BLACK OUT 2022, the BLADERUNNER-verse anime short by  that dude  Shinichiro Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo).  You should too...

A few words about master cartoonist Kyle Baker

Hey, fam... I just watched this hilarious 'toon Bleth Thith Meth, by the mighty Kyle Baker on vimeo, and it got me thinking...

DOOM/ Westside Gunn Collabo album? YES, PLEASE!!!

Y'all know we fux wit DOOM.  Also fux wit Westside Gunn.  So they're doing an album together, I hear?  Dope

Name Your Price for Mike Hawthorne's anatomy lecture handouts! #BegBorrowSteal

HOLY CRAP! Deadpool artist, college anatomy professor, and GhettoManga magazine contributor Mike Hawthorne is sharing this whopping 110 page hand-drawn anatomy notebook on some name-your-price type isht!!!

#NowPlaying Dih Binny by YAMIN SEMALI

"I'm more worried bout y'all than the bad guys.
We in the same boat, so we fucked if it capsize.
It's anti-Matter when it come to them Black Lives..." 
Yamin Semali