My favorite holla day movie is on...

I'm not a big lover of Christmas movies, unless you count movies like the hilarious Eddie Murphy/ Dan Akroyd comedy Trading Places, that have Christmas as a backdrop and not much else.  Whatever the case, Trading Places is on Comedy Central as I'm writing this on Christmas night, and thanks to my dude Jamar Nicholas, I got into a quoting match on Facebook that turned into a watch party...

How Street Angel Saved Christmas

If you have endured more than your fair share of holiday mishaps, you deserve this Street Angel Christmas Special in your life.  

(Umbrella Academy + Movie) x (Mary J Blige + Time Traveling Assassin) = Yes #DoTheMath

Everyone is shedding crocodile tears about the not-so-sanctimonious end of the Netflix wing of the Marvel Universe.  Meanwhile, Netflix is doing what they need to do.  Namely scraping the lesser comix universes for intellectual property gold...

Keith Knight tries talking to Conservatives...

Keith Knight illustrates the trouble he's having talking to Conservatives in this four panel episode of The Knight Life 

#NowPlaying- RETURN of the KAIJU by Supa Kaiju (Napoleon Da Legend + Sicknature)

Here's a new YouTube video mashing up classic Godzilla clips with the new song from Supa Kaiju (Napoleon Da Legend + Sicknature), Return of the Kaiju. 

#NowPlaying -Tobe Nwigwe paying respect to RAKIM & Z-RO

That dude Tobe Nwigwe dropped a new #GetTwistedSundays freestyle that I've been bumping all week...