High Top Fade on the Cover Equals COP IT! #DoTheMath

I found out about this book FIGHTS by Joel Christian Gill on Twitter, and I'm really excited to check it out when it drops next month.

Check out the new BLACK SANDS DVD dropping next month.

I just got a message from the folks at Black Sands Entertainment announcing the impending DVD release, and a discount for those who preorder now...

This is now the official video for Smooth Criminal at GhettoManga HQ

All controversies aside, I remain a pretty big Michael Jackson fan.  I know.  It's too late for me.  Anyways, I also love weird animation.  So if someone could mash up this clip from Space Dandy and Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal for me, that would be great.

#KickstartTHIS- DOMINION'S LIGHT Graphic Novel- Issue #1

Accomplished screenwriter Brandon Easton just launched a brand new Kickstarter campaign for a graphic novel version of his sci-fantasy property DOMINION'S LIGHT.


Krum and Theory Hazit dropped a new name-yo-price EP on Cyber Monday in my email yesterday, so I'm sharing it with you now, cuz that's how I roll.

Stay Black and Die (Not Necessarily in That Order)

The teaser trailer for Black Widow, Marvel's upcoming superhero action joint starring Scarlet Jo, dropped into my life this morning...