#NowPlayingAtGhettoMangaHQ MODUS OPERANDI by Napoleon Da Legend

People always ask me what I'm listening to, only to be disappointed that they never heard of the rhymers I eff wit.

One of the most prolific and high quality rhymers I know if is Napoleon Da Legend.  His new record Modus Operandi is just the latest in a long line of dope records from a true underground legend.

Work in Progress- SHADOWEYES FOR GOOD by Sophie Campbell

Everybody knows I'm a huge fan of Sophie Campbell, especially of her cute and gritty monster hero comic Shadoweyes.

Daily Sketch. Plus a contest.

Hey there!  Here's my first Daily Sketch of the New Year!  If you want to have my new sketches emailed to your email inbox, subscribe here.

Between client work, seasonal blahs, and family issues, I haven't been keeping up my Daily Sketching like I wanted to. 


I did draw something today!