Rock the Vote!!!

so yesterday i got a copy of the new MBQ... YIKES!!! that mess is the illest comic ever!
it's as irreverant and funny a comic as i've read in years, and Felipe Smith reps hipHop (and LosAngeles) to the fullest!!!

the cast of characters is to die for: whether it's arrogant (yet still starving) artist Omario, his supersized roomate and aspiring filmmaker Jeff, superthug Dee, or the ultimate fighting champ (not to mention evil bastard) Big Bro (on the cover at left), and that doesn't even scratch the surface (i didn't mention the girls)...

like his star Omario, Smith doesn't wanna draw superheroes, giant robots, cute furry animals, or fantasy, he draws real life. BUT he injects so much anime action style storytelling, exagerrated gestures and design, you'll never notice there's no hero swooping in to save the day.

he brings hipHop style excess to the pages that'll satisfy just about anybody. I DARE YOU TO pick up the book. open it. you WILL keep reading!

anyways, the publisher, TokyoPop, does a people's choice award. so go to TokyoPop and vote for MBQ this month in every category!!! (i already did!)
oh yeah, and order the book while you're there, or go to a comicshop or bookstore and cop it!


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