Youngest In Charge...

on myspace, i get "friend requests" pretty much every day. sometimes i just accept 'em all. other times, i go look at them, and try to discern why they requested me. so anyways, i was looking at the friends of friends of one of my would-be-friends and found Emonifela.
she's just fourteen years old, but her music and poetry are embarrassingly good.

somebody give this kid a record deal!!! i have no idea where she's from, but some of the things she says in her songs and on her blog mirror conversations i've been having lately (and i'm only twenty years older than her...). it's encouraging that somebody that young is out there making mature-sounding music. hip hop is in good hands, people! now if we can just get her some shine...



  1. Anonymous2:18 PM CST

    this young lady rocks mics from DC To CALI...big ups for being one of the early responders...good eye for talent you have there.

  2. absolutely! i was incredibly impressed with her music and content.
