a Win/Lose Situation...

the Losers, by Andy Diggle and Jock
"it's got spy crap in it. but in a good way!" that was all the recommendation i needed... see, my friend mike is a pretty good judge of what won't work for me in a comic. when he was gushing to me about his new favorite comic, The Losers (published by DC/vertigo), he said "i've never seen any comic do spy crap as well as they do it in film... until now. and (the artist) Jock is a fucking badASS!"

so there you go! i just finished reading AnteUp, the trade paperback collecting the first story arc about the newly rogue black-ops special forces team, the Losers. after seeing something they shouldn't have, the team is whacked by the CIA, or so it seems. now the Losers are back, with new team member, Iraqi killing machine/CIA mole (and seriously fly chick... don't tell her i said that!) Aisha (foreground in the cover art at left), and they are giving the crooked government bigwigs the muthafreakin' bizness.

anyways, the point is, this mess is the BOMB!!! and yeah. Jock is a Bad Ass... collectors should scoop these issues, as they will surely be valuable when he goes on to draw Batman, Daredevil or some other top-selling comic. the book has the kind of severity and elegance in the action sequences you rarely see, and Jock's sense of style, framing and pacing is breathtaking!

i've got two more trades to read, so i won't go on too much. I advise buying the TPB, but you can download a PDF of the whole first issue for free here...


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