Assault on Precinct 18

my first exposure to Stormwatch Post Human Division was #3. it was a fabulous comic that hooked me immediately. there was an issue in there that worried me (series artist Manhke took an issue off), but the series' crisp writing by young hotshot Christos Gage (Law and Order SVU)has held things together. this month's issue #7 wraps up the first major arc, where the mostly human cops of the Post Human Division go head up with alien monster squad led by mind-controller/sorceror/Daemonite Lord Defile.
In a wild, whooly, and bloody battle, the PHD pulls off an unbelievable defeat of the super-powerful Daemonites. Gage does a great job of handling the possibly confusing continuity issues associated with doing a spinoff book, dropping historical details here abd there that reveal the relevant history of the old characters/plotlines without distracting from the story. great for new fans.
and i can't say enough about series artist Doug Mahnke (JLA, Frankenstein, Major Bummer). he strattles the line between goofy 90's superhero schlock and post-vertigo horror. his extreme anatomy and fabulous monster imagery is balanced by good, solid storytelling. that balance in his work is what makes him perfect for this book.
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