gM comicbook/Manga of the year nominees

gM comicbook/Manga of the year rules:
any comic available in the US is eligible. it can be made anywhere in the world so long as it is available in english. it can be online or print, so long as it has a minimum of three issues out (60 "pages" for online books). i don't have seperate categories for seperate genres yet, so anything goes: kids' books, mature readers, superhero, slice of life, ongoing books, minis, whatever... i'll drop a few nominees off the dome, but expect the list to expand (especially if YOU contribute!).


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM CST

    all i got to say is the artwork on all these joint look gangster

  2. The Escapists by Brian K Vaughan and Invincible are my nominees for 2007

  3. Out of the nominees I would favor Astonishing X-Men. My own suggestion would be Battle Angel: Alita-Last Order. In my opinion, these two comics are the best ongoing comics coming from their respective countries.

  4. Anonymous12:37 AM CST

    my vote is for the Umbrella Academy by gerard way and gabriel ba.

    mark my words: it's the next hellboy.

  5. umbrella Academy?
    Battle Angel Alita?

    it's gonna be a tight race!!!
