gM movie of the Year nominees

movie of the Year rules: if it was out this year, it qualifies. look, i don't check release dates, and i have a tendancy to get to things late... so i don't worry about none o' that! if i geeked on it this year, it qualifies! in fact, even movies that came out YEARS ago qualify, so that's what's up! so any movie (including animated features, if they are FLY enough!) that was out in theatres, on teevee, or on dvd qualifies...
anyways, here's the nominees:
if there is a film that came out that was dope enough to deserve to be nominated, lemme know and i'll consider it. the fact is, i don't have a committee hooking this up for me, i do it solo. i could'a just forgot!

vote on the ghettoManga Movie of the Year, and all the categories at i'll try to be democratic about it, but i'll use my VETO power if i have to!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:17 AM CST

    i haven't seen all the movies on this joint but CASINO ROYAL is my choice. That joint just created a bond that was more gully than smooth
