the N-word...

Wouldn't You Like To Be A Nigger Too? by Nas, from his forthcoming concept album, The N-Word (it's actually untitled, get the story behind that here!)
Can't you just SMELL the controversy? watch the whole thing (not at work, unless you wanna go to HR), then let's talk!


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM CDT

    This album is gonna be a monster. I found a mixtape online - Nas & Green Lantern - The Ni**er Tape.

    Simply put....... This joint is fuego! Excuse me... FUEGO! You gotta' listen to the man's words.

    He's making a hell of a statement putting this album out. It's a conceptual album of sorts from what I'm seeing. It's like saying no matter what you accomplish in teh public eye... your still seen as a ni**er. I think Mos Def said it best on, "Mr. Nigga." or even "Boogie man." It's like we're more feared than respected depending on the circle of people or industry you work in. In the past we as "black people were'nt able to be seen at concerts.... I'm talking around the time of the Motown era of music. We had to creep through the back door or have "white" artists cover or songs to repect the music..... Another version of a cross-over appeal.

    Another point to make.... Cats wanna make music. Make it.. but don't pass off guns, sex & such as music when life is about more than that. Unless that's is your only lifestyle. I'd say you not FULLY living..... Some cats know better. They provide more example of how plush with creartivity this artform is. Other cats feed the mass with the same storylines for the sake of keeping an audience. LAME!

    Anyway, that's my .25 cents....

    Great video

  2. there were some places where i was like, 'ugh, he's going too far' then he would drop a poignant comment or dope line, and i'm like "hell yes!"...

    Nas has that back and forth of a real ghetto philosopher.
