ONCE again, back is the INCREDIBLE...

it's a GREAT time to be a comic book nerd....
so i went to the matinee to catch The Incredible HULK, the new action/sci-fi flick based on the fan favorite Marvel monster comic... and it was DOPE!!! in case you're wondering, it totally ignores the existance of Ang Lee's much-maligned 2003 attempt, and reboots the franchise, so there's no need to fear Nick Nolte strolling onto the scene and turning into a lightning bolt... which is not to say that The Incredible HULK exists in a vacuum, because it doesn't.
The Incredible Hulk - Secret (Spoilers!)

In fact, i think i can tell you without giving too much away, that this film follows in the footsteps of that other, better Marvel heropic Iron Man, in that it grounds Hulk firmly in the Marvel Universe. the fun thing about it is they manage to do it without taking away from the movie-ness of it... nerds... i mean enthusiasts like myself will have a blast geekin' over minutia, but the filmmakers didn't let the easter-egg hunt interfere with the story moving along. Incredible Hulk is a real movie, with emotion, stakes, decent acting, and a semi-believable plot that the average summer blockbuster fan can enjoy whether they know the multiple incarnations of the Hulk or not!
The Incredible Hulk - Hulk vs. Abomination

now, go watch it and let me know what YOU thought!


  1. Anonymous11:08 AM CDT


  2. Anonymous12:10 PM CDT

    Marvel really seems to be on a roll now with the movies. It's amazing that DC, which is owned by WARNER BROS., can't do the same.

  3. Marvel just got their in-house production company off the ground (Iron Man was their first film... not a bad way to start!), but even before that, they have been kicking dc's butt for a while (Spidey, X-men, etc). the Batman franchise is doing well again, but they really need to branch out...

  4. Booster Gold is a hard sell man.

  5. you mean the story of a washed up athlete from a utopian future who steals a time machine and other futuristic technology so he can travel to the present and use it to become a rich and famous (not to mention flawed...) superhero whose endorsement is for sale to the highest bidder?

    i think that would be an easy sell... if you do it right (you remember how corny Blade was pre-Snipes? I DO...)

    you got a sci-fi action-comedy loaded with special effects, starring (for example) owen wilson, with the dude from Frazier as the voice of his robot sidekick... and a cameo from a disapproving lois lane, who he keeps trying to put the mack on...

    (i can't believe i just wrote a pitch for a Booster Gold movie...)

  6. maybe I'm thinking of that outfit. But this is the era of honorable redesign

  7. Anonymous11:03 AM CDT

    okay, now i gott add THIS to the list. saw Iron Man last night and i was beyond THRILLED. loved it from beginning to end. and STILL trying to get to see kung fu panda. ;-)

  8. yeah...
    if you liked Iron Man, you will get a nice kick out of Hulk, i bet!

  9. Anonymous11:05 AM CDT

    Maaaaaaan, I checked the Hulk out yesterday, and I must say I'm going again "woooooooo it was ffffiiiiiiyaaaaa!!!"

    I liked the 1st one too, I might be one of the only people that did. The fact that the 1st stayed pretty true to the comic wasn't bad either, I think people didn't like the fact that he really didn't fight any of his comic book enemies only mutated dogs and lightning dad LoL....

  10. i agree.
    i didn't like the part where his dad got powers and started tripping in Ang Lee's version, but i thought it was cool otherwise. Lee really treated HULK like a modern tragedy, delving into the depths of Banner's emotional issues, and i think that makes for a strong foundation.

    i think this movie handled the source material and anticipated the public reaction a little better. it leaned just as heavily on cgi, but has escaped some of the criticism for it that Ang Lee's Hulk didn't. i enjoyed the integration with the larger marvel universe of characters, and because it made me look forward to the next marvel films, that's a big plus.
