The Secret to Success...

"It's passion. You can't think about money. It's passion first. I always say that the dictionary is the only place you find success before work, and that's alphabetical. You have to approach your creativity with humility, and success with grace. The problem is that some people think they deserve the success and some people think they don't deserve it. Both of them are wrong."
QUINCY JONES: -Quincy Jones


  1. word.
    "passion" is one of those office buzzwords that loses its meaning until you possess it, or see it in action...

    if you're really passionate, you'll make something happen!

  2. True. I think though there are people that don't know the essence of that. It's like being hungry. I saw a homeless dude with a box of day old Krispy Kremes basking in the glow.

    Sometimes you need to take what you can get and just keep moving.
