get ready...

Hancock starring Will Smith with Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron. opens July 3rd
I caught an advance screening of this movie, with an expectation that it would be really bad (the trailers don't make it look real good). it was okay though. in fact, i really liked it. Will plays a jerk, but a believable, even lovable jerk. the story took turns i found wholly unexpected and appreciated. Jason Bateman is great as a hopelessly idealistic public relations guy who decides to help Hancock work on his public image.
the movie is kinda clumsy, and the action sequences and superhero effects are variously hilarious, sloppy or breathtaking... i had a great time and enjoyed the narrative and the casting. if you haven't read a comic in a while, Hancock will shock you with its adult tone, but this is increasingly common in the field. again, the balance between Bateman's idealism and Hancock's alcoholic defeatist apathy was fun! anyways, i'd say a B- for Hancock.


  1. the movie right around the corner from the crib, so i'm there

  2. word.
    let me know what you thought!
