you really COULD Become Batman... sorta.

nerds drop science on the Batman.
Scientific American journalist JR Minkel interviewed University of Victoria at British Columbia associate professor of kinesiology and neuroscience, 26-year practitioner of Chito-Ryu karate-do, and author of Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero, Paul Zehr about how one might actually transform himself into a one-man war on crime. as i read the interview, i was reminded that there really are multiple interpretations of Batman... the one that fights alongside Superman and the Flash in Justice League of America is very different from the guy who gets tapped on the jaw by a street thug in Detective Comics, who also differs from the almost supernatural vampire bat you witness every month in Batman.
this interview illuminates the fact that writers and fans choose which Batman they like best. similarly, filmmakers, animators and teevee directors seeking to bring Batman to the screen choose (sometimes from one scene to the next) which Batman to portray.
anyways, the interview is great! peep it here and come back and talk about it!


  1. Theoretically you'd almost need a legion of batmen that specializes in each purpose.

    I think Kingdom Come Batman is the best end result.

  2. (that was gangster...)

    or you can have a batman that goes balls out for three years, then dies on the job, passing it on to the next Batman, who gets chosen by the bat-computer...

    nevermind, i'ma do that for a comic...

  3. Whatever happens I think Bruce Wayne would stay Batman for the JLA.

    Kind of like the overseer.
