ghetto FABulous!

this is one i've been waiting on! with art and story by hot young talent Charlie "Fab" Goubile, Blackbird:Growing Pains promises to be HOT! but you need not take my word for it... click on the cover to see preview art and purchase issue 1 of that joint from

Ladies Love Cool John... SIKE!

okay, so the ladies at planned parenthood are NOT feelin' John McCain... according to BUST Magazine "Planned Parenthood handed out more than 700 pounds of condoms at the Democratic National Convention, and not just because Dems are sexy. Each condom was enclosed in a hot pink matchbook bearing the message: ’Protect Yourself From John McCain (In This Election).' The back lists one of Planned Parenthood’s top ten reasons to NOT vote for McCain, such as the frightening #10 — John McCain has voted against women’s reproductive rights and privacy 125 times in his 25 years in Washington, DC. McCain’s pathetic record on women’s health issues has earned him the lowest possible rating from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. "

this cat's ILL!

one of my discoveries on mySpace, Boston area hip hop illustrator Shaanti Williams is sick wit' it like Hepatitis B! i don't have a lot to say, just click the link and go to his website,, a'ight?

Body Bags One Shot preview

continued in Body Bags: One Shot, coming in the late fall from 12 Gauge Comics. Art and story by Jason Pearson.

ghostFace+DOOM+Dilla= where do i sign?

Sniper Elite plus Murdergoons= SNIPERLITE by Dilla, MF DOOM, Ghostface
freakin' sweet...

will Lawyers stop Watchmen?

movie studio 20th Century Fox has applied for an injunction blocking the release of 2009 Warner Bros blockbuster film Watchmen (based on the fan-favorite graphic novel of the same name), claiming Warner Bros did not properly secure all the rights to make the film. According to The New York Times, Fox asserts that they should'a been consulted with, since they have partial rights to the film. Fox just wants some of that Dark Knight paper... the judge presiding over the case blocked the release of The Dukes of Hazard in 2005, leading to a settlement of around $17.5 milli. given that Dark Knight's raked in $500 million domestic (and counting) expect Fox to turn its nose up to something as paltry as $17.5m, and there's no way the WB execs are gonna let the movie get delayed, so mark down another black eye for Time-Warner... the only question is how bad will the settlement be...

order gM Quarterly now!

the wait is over people! the debut issue of ghettoManga Quarterly is here for your perusal! after a long wait, i finally got the first issue done...
it's 52 pages long, with original comics from Nat Landry (Devil Kitty and Violent Amphibious Beaver Boy), Garland Watson (Return Of The Backpackers) and me, Samax Amen (Manchild:Birthday Boy).
Hip hoppers will dig the article featuring DJ Kool Herc and reviews of that new Nas joint, and I put you on (once again) to the Mighty Underdogs new plate Droppin' Science Fiction. as an added bonus, i featured my art series Pay*Triotic in these pages, and much, much more!
COP THAT for just $10 plus shipping, homey!


Deviant of the Day

Straw Barry Meets His Maker by finkycake
british photographer Fiona Leary made me bust a gut with these Straw Barry joints. click the pic to check her out!


TO interviews Three Six Mafia (and vice versa)

Facetime: Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens and Grammy Award winning rap duo Three 6 Mafia


bay area crew The Mighty Underdogs' Lateef and Gif promoting their new album Droppin' Science Fiction, in stores 10/14.

"Pay-triotic" is up at Zubar

Was It Good For You? by samax
Make Hoops, Not War by samax.
Buffalo Soul by samaxThe Soldier by samax.
Gorgeous Destroyer (America) by samax.
these joints (from my illustration series Paytriotic) are the pieces i put up for the show at Zubar last night. Paytriotic will be up for a few weeks (along with khalid's brilliant series, Playlist). these pieces are featured in the summer issue of ghettoManga Quarterly (available soon. subscribe to the email newsletter for details) in the article "Feeling Pay*triotic?"
so you can cop them that way, or buy individual prints for 40 bucks (plus shipping) each. UPDATE! order all five prints with free shipping below. you can choose to order with frames or without!


there's one life, one love so there can only be one king

greetings, fam! Click that pic for a free mix of The Best of the Marleys vol 1 by DJ Nomadics. yeah, that's right! download that joint for free, bredren!


hip hop, art, beer (for a good cause!)

saturday. $5 cover goes to breast cancer research.
at thursday's show, i created a fly piece and sold it to one of the show attendees, and i'll be creating art live on the scene again tonight , so bring some scrilla and get original art for cheap!
see ya there!

Who's the master?

lots of people dying lately... Bernie Mac. Isaac Hayes. Carlos Meglia. and now character actor Julius Carry (The Last Dragon, Brisco County) has passed at age 56. there are many varied ideologies concerning death that comfort us when we lose a loved one, but it can all be a bit much. i think Yoda said it best when he said "rejoice for those who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. miss them, do not... you must train yourself to let go of that which you you fear to lose..."
RIP, master.

Art, Beer, Hip Hop (in no particular order)

tonite in Dallas. no cover.
saturday. $5 cover goes to breast cancer research.
see ya!

Sweet Lord...

in case you don't got it yet, click the pic to download that Murs/9th Wonder album SWEET LORD for free, homey! murs got a new full-length joint Murs 4 President comin' september 30th.

teen Daredevil

okay, so this kid got that Daredevil thing happenin' for real! lets hope he uses his powers for good, not evil, seen?

Deviant of the Day

i was wasting time on Deviant Art and ran across this DOPE plushie of Nightcrawler (my favorite X-Men character) which was hand-made by *pheleon. Note how she hooked up the very Catholic X-man with the fresh rosery beads, for his Hail Mary's!


attack of the DOOMbots...

indie-rap supervillain MF DOOM has embarked on his most diabolical scheme yet... according to URB Magazine, Metal Face has sent out masked impostors to his shows, who perform anorexic 20-minute lip-sync sets and flee into the night with your money and leaving angry fans and promoters in their wake.

Works Every Time...

khalid put me on to this promotional site for Colt45, with "create your own" comics with art by Jim Mahfood. i'm gonna do this as an online gag strip. it may even be funny every once in a while... i had fun doing it anyways... if you do some, email 'em to me and i'll post em here! we'll keep it going till i get tired of it, or get sued!

Cruisin' for a bruisin'...

i guess some people just want to get their ass kicked... i mean, i respect free speech and all that... but think about what you're doing homey! this dude Apollo Braun caught a beat down in NYC over tee-shirts saying "OBAMA IS MY SLAVE," but he wasn't the first. see Braun sells the shirts at a boutique, and one of his customers threatened to sue him after she was assaulted while wearing one'a his shirts... At the time, Braun defended the shirts, saying that they reflect the views of "ordinary WASPs [white anglo-saxon protestants]."

among Braun's other anti-Obama shirts we have
"OBAMA=HITLER" and "WHO KILLED OBAMA". although he has said he will probably stop selling the shirts after being assaulted himself, Braun said "This is very disturbing to me that I am living in New York City in neighborhoods which are suppose to be the most open-minded and tolerant to any kind of art, but instead, people don't understand me, hate me and don't let me express myself the way everyone should be able to in New York."
but don't worry! he asserted that he wasn't racist.
Instead he dislikes Obama because he believes he is a Muslim. so that makes it okay, right?


Deviant of the Day

Urban Legendz by Michael Kutsche
toy design, completely painted in photoshop.

who stole the soul?

Stolen by Rhymefest.
To hear more about 'Fest's motivations for writing this song, check out the interview he did for by clicking HERE.

speaking of gM Quarterly...

here's a peek: the first page of "Feeling Paytriotic?" words, design and illustration by samax.

the calm before the storm...

i haven't been blogging very much lately, just working feverishly to wrap up ghettoManga Quarterly's debut issue, get ready for Playlist, the art show with the mighty ghostWerks crew on August 21st, and prepare for the impending birth of my daughter. at any rate, all three are on the brink, so stay tuned for news about all that as it develops.
I've been getting more purchases going through over at the Ziontific store, so if you are one of the people buying my shirts and cards, thanks! i haven't been promoting much lately, but i guess i'm experiencing some delayed payoffs from past marketing!
anyways, i know i've been dropping youTube videos and stuff, but that ain't up to the standard i set for myself! thanks for sticking with me, and expect more REAL news soon...

it was bound to happen eventually...

Batman:The Brave and The Bold trailer.
coming to Cartoon Network.

R.I.P. Bernie Mac (1957-2008)

after entering a hospital with pneumonia, superstar actor/comedian Bernie Mac (Ocean's Eleven, Transformers, Bad Santa, The Original Kings Of Comedy, The Bernie Mac Show) died this morning in a Chicago area Hospital at age 50.
"The majority of his core fan base will remember that when they paid their money to see Bernie Mac ... he gave them their money's worth," fellow Kings Of Comedy co-star Steve Harvey told CNN on Saturday.

Bernie Mac clip from The Original Kings of Comedy
peace, love, etc.

You Have the Right to Remain Dead!

you can't keep a good cop down... Officer Nick Cruz was murdered by an unseen perp, and now he's traded a hundred years of service to the R.I.P.D. (yes... the Rest In Peace Department) in exchange for a shot at finding his killer...
my comic shop was having a great sale on graphic novels, so i copped this collection since i recognized the art of
Lucan Marangon (Abyss), and this mess turned out to be the BOMB! the art and writing on this book is fun and bouncy... Marangon and inker Randy Emberlin do a great job of capturing the tone of the MIB meets Ghostbusters script by Peter Lenkov. the Rest In Peace Department is staffed by cops from many eras (some of whom you may recognize), all serving that big Commissioner in the sky, putting escapees from the underworld back where they belong!
cop it cheap here.

Quote of the Day...

"A hater's just a groupie with a different agenda..."

CLASSIC material...

ATHF by DANGERDOOM. from the ghettoManga Album of the Year for 2005, The Mouse and the Mask
this isn't a great video, but the song is hot! from the superfly collabo of Dangermouse and MF DOOM, this alternate intro to the red hot Adult Swim show Aqua Teen Hunger Force would'a been better served by using the ATHF animators, or just using clips from the show in the comics windows.
oh well...

there is a sole survivor, and he is MIRACULOUSLY unharmed...

so for those who don't know me personally, i work at a call center (because freelance art is a wee bit unstable) four nights a week, on the graveyard shift. since i got married last year, i live pretty far away from work, requiring a 45 minute commute. well, on the way home this morning, i fell asleep at the wheel and woke up with a face full of federally-required airbag, surrounded by the twisted metal, glass and plastic that usedta be my Neon. i pulled myself out of the smashed up window, and walked out of the cloud of dust to see an off-duty fireman who had stopped to help me. the shock on his face looking at my car made me feel like i had to calm him down...
"it's okay, dog... i'm a'ight..."
soon i was surrounded by cops and EMT fussing over me and the car, repeatedly telling me what i already knew: I was damn lucky to be Alive. as i sat in the ambulance letting them check me over, i couldn't help thinking of M. Night Shyamalan's instant-classic Unbreakable, because that's the kinda guy i am...
Unbreakable (2000) Starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson

so anyways, i'm okay. i got tons of stuff i wanna do with my life, and i'm even more resolved to get it all done!

Quote of the Day...

Black men, you were once great; you shall be great again
--- Marcus Garvey


the racially diverse, yet archetypical super-team The Circle of Power are in serious trouble when an instrumental member of the team is killed. While multiple federal investigations turn up no foul play, the Crimson Ghost insists that his teammate was murdered, and arguments over that (and the government's offer to financially back the team) threaten to worsen the pre-existing schisms in the team.

like many indy books, the art on Rise Above is wonky but legible, and at times inspired. It distinguishes itself, however by being very well-written. The multi-layered story and smart character development outperforms the drawing, raising the book above the level of its art.
Writer-artist Tim Fernandes IV uses dialog and character interactions to enlighten readers about his comics' universe, foreshadow future events, and reveal character traits simultaneously. Anyways, this issue gets a thumbs up from me. Click here to buy RISE ABOVE #1 on Indyplanet.