Cruisin' for a bruisin'...

i guess some people just want to get their ass kicked... i mean, i respect free speech and all that... but think about what you're doing homey! this dude Apollo Braun caught a beat down in NYC over tee-shirts saying "OBAMA IS MY SLAVE," but he wasn't the first. see Braun sells the shirts at a boutique, and one of his customers threatened to sue him after she was assaulted while wearing one'a his shirts... At the time, Braun defended the shirts, saying that they reflect the views of "ordinary WASPs [white anglo-saxon protestants]."

among Braun's other anti-Obama shirts we have
"OBAMA=HITLER" and "WHO KILLED OBAMA". although he has said he will probably stop selling the shirts after being assaulted himself, Braun said "This is very disturbing to me that I am living in New York City in neighborhoods which are suppose to be the most open-minded and tolerant to any kind of art, but instead, people don't understand me, hate me and don't let me express myself the way everyone should be able to in New York."
but don't worry! he asserted that he wasn't racist.
Instead he dislikes Obama because he believes he is a Muslim. so that makes it okay, right?



  1. wise word of nas in the intro of the fried chicken song. LAWD LAWD LAWD!!!!

  2.'s...blinding me!!
