Killer Mike, Bun B encourage Rappers to get fans to register and vote!

When Atlanta rap star Killer Mike was asked what sort of influence would he and other rap stars have on the 2008 elections (at last month's Ozone Awards in Houston), he reminded the capacity crowd that we owe a lot to Obama for holding up a tradition that is dear to our communities and to Hip Hop which is to make a way out of no way...Bun B and Killer Mike stated that its not enough to simply say you're for Obama and wear a t-shirt...
Bun B and Killer Mike underscore a basic theme which sometimes isn't fully appreciated and embraced by our generation which is Stand Up, be counted and lets make it happen.
Many so called pundits think that Texas will forever be Bush country, but the truth is that Texas has big vulnerability located in Harris County. One million eligible voters have not registered to vote in Harris County, 500 thousand unregistered voters in Harris County are people of color. That’s enough to win any election!
Part of the problem has been the result of people falsely believing that their votes won't count. Still others have been led to believe that they can't vote because they are felons. That’s not true.
(read more on Davey D's blog)
REMEMBER: Voter Registration ends Oct 6 in Texas.

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