McGruder, Hudlin and Baker craft masterpiece OGN

just like B.I.G. and 2pac, noteworthy antagonists Reginald Hudlin (House Party, Black Panther ) and Aaron McGruder (The Boondocks) used to be good friends. good enough at least to co-author Birth of a Nation, a socio-politically charged Original Graphic Novel released by Crown Publishers in 2004. the book satirizes the 2000 election by creating a scenario where citizens from the city of East St Louis are not allowed to vote, and the wrong person becomes President as a result. the disenfranchised and charismatic Mayor Fred Fredericks (with encouragement from fellow college alum and bubbling black billionaire, John Roberts) decides there is only one solution: East Saint Louis secedes from the union! the short critique: this book is brilliant!
Birth of a Nation is illustrated by Kyle Baker, a master cartoonist able to do more with less than just about any artist i can name. his style of drawing is impressionistic and descriptive. you can see his mind working on the page, and his method combines storybook and comics techniques to maximum effect. Birth still remains painfully relevant today, with intra- and interracial issues reaching up to the highest levels of American and international politics... COP IT!


  1. I copped this when it first came out, not a fan of the art work style but the message was on point.

    This isnt just related to Americans but black people all over the world that have decided to seek independence from "oppressive" dominate cultures.

    The lessons on how this can fail if not properly governed is all to real.

  2. i missed this when it came out...

    they moved back and forth between comedy and serious commentary quickly and effectively.

    this is a book that we should all read and (if possible) buy!

  3. Anonymous6:19 AM CDT

    you need to check out Special Forces! that joint is Kyle Baker at his BEST, son...
