Can I Kick It?

for some reason, the modern comic book has been running around in circles trying to make superhero comics more "realistic" for decades. and while i would argue that it has resulted in some pretty stupid comics, every now and then something truly awesome arrives on the scene. enter comics giants Mark Millar and John Romita Jr's straight-faced action comic, the aptly entitled Kick-Ass, the laugh-out-loud story of Dave, an extremely regular kid who becomes addicted to doling out ultra-violent, costumed vigilante justice.
which is not to say he's especially good at it! the kid who inadvertantly becomes the YouTube sensation called Kick-Ass takes as much and as good as he gives, but even when it lands him in the hospital, he just can't get enough!
the funniest thing about Kick-Ass is that it became so popular, so fast that the movie adaptation (did i mention they're making it a movie? oh... they are.) may come out before the book story it adapts is finished! isn't life something...


  1. first of all. dude got touched on that cover. hahahaah and second of all hollywood is on their grizzly with these movies. Got to get because of john ro jr 4 shizzle!!!!

  2. He did indeed get blessed.
    We'll see. I'd like to see the book before the movie personally, but I'm a nerd.
