it's Bigger than Hip Hop (Comics)...

Family. Patriotism. Cultural Identity. Love. History... these are concepts that can be applied to anyone, anywhere. lofty ideals to build a comicbook on, some people would say. Stacey "Blackstar" Robinson, creator of Abraham The Young Lion, is not one of them. the writer/artist has created a story so big a regular comic couldn't contain it, so Abraham is printed in magazine-sized issues.
the title character Abraham- equal parts Captain America, Superman and Denzel Washington- appeared suddenly, taking the urban community by storm in the eighties, and disappeared just as quickly, leaving a mystery in his wake... a mystery being investigated in the present day by his son, Jedidiah.
Robinson tells Abraham's story in flashbacks that follow the exploits of the larger-than-life hero through the eyes of the community he served. Robinson's ambitious and lavish illustration, especially in the golden-era hip hop flashbacks, are a joy to behold. but even here, Abraham proves too much to handle... Robinson has been working on the 2nd issue for well over a year (issue 1 dropped march of 2007). like many indy creators, Robinson balances comics, family, and a real job, as well as the biggest challenge: his own tough standards.
"It's taking forever to balance, work, family, school and my book,"the artist said recently "but it's finally coming along, I can look on my drive and see that I have finally made a dent in issue 2..." but if the preview art on his deviantArt page are any indication, it'll be worth the wait! while you're waiting, go check out the first issue, for sale right now on Indyplanet!


  1. I'm getting this one, too. Was always curious, but the creator said a few things I didn't like on Herotalk. But I guess I won't let his personal views put me off to trying this.

  2. that's showbiz! i try not to let stuff like that bother me. lots of my favorite artists are douchebags in real life (COUGH*johnbyrne*COUGH* mikemignola*COUGH*nealadams*COUGH).

  3. thanks LeMAr,...I appreciate you trying my book even though, you don't like something I said.
