i just finished reading King City by Brandon Graham... holy crap! this book is the joint! Joe is a Cat Master, like a Green Lantern, except instead of a power ring, he wields a cat that can manifest multiple different powers depending on the injections he gives it. although well-trained, Joe is a listless thief (a cat burglar, if you will) and drifter until he gets caught up in some drama and shit gets real!
Masterfully crafted by do-it-all creative monster Brandon Graham (Multiple Warhedz, Escalator), King City is JUST what you're looking for (i mean, you ARE reading a blog called ghettoManga)! this 192 page OGN dropped in '07 from Tokyopop... Brandon has since been tapped by Oni Press to do another Multiple Warhedz, and was 20 or so pages shy of completing King City 2 the last time i checked...
it's official! 2009 is gonna be TIGHT!!!


  1. Now thats an interesting concept.

  2. Anonymous8:35 AM CST

    yeah, that dude is sick. i read escalator... i need ta get this.
