Ho, ho, ho... now get back to work!

so i'm cranking these out pretty good. now, i know what you're thinking, and yes, i'm working on Christmas Eve. I work from home, okay? don't worry, my wife and daughter are sleeping, A Christmas Story is playing across the living room, and i'm lap-topping in my favorite chair. so all is right with the world...

anyways, the main character of this comic is hearing-impaired, so my writer sent me to this blog about deaf characters in adolescent literature, and lo-and-behold, they actually addressed deaf people in comics! here's a slideshow:



  1. Thanks for posting my slideshow. Feel free to send me questions. This slideshow was part of a presentation so some of the information might not be clear.
    I look forward to reading your work.

  2. thanks Doc.
    much appreciated!
