Girls, Girls, Girls...

i bought 100 Girls at Half-Price Books (please don't go out of business...) and finally got a chance to read it today. i'm not sure why i bought it (the 20% off of a book that's already at half the cover price didn't hurt...), but it once i started reading it, i couldn't put it down! this book provides one great surprise after another.
the sales pitch:
Sylvia Mark is a thirteen year-old girl who feels separated from her peers, but she's just one of one hundred identical girls bred as part of an experiment to give normal humans extraordinary powers. Thirteen years ago, four of the girls were kidnapped and sent to families around the country to be raised and Sylvia is determined to find out why...

the 100 Girls TPB i bought collects all seven issues of the series by Adam Gallardo (writer), Todd Demong (Artist), originally published by Arcana. the book makes excellent use of Demong's dynamic, cartoony style with good characterization and well-placed, knot-raising violence! one of the cool things about this book is the team does not treat Sylvia like a typical teenage sex fantasy chick... and as she gets more powerful and experienced, she knocks heads with the best of them. when she faces off against male characters (with or without super powers), she doesn't bat an eye, she blacks them. 100 Girls definitely makes the beg-borrow-steal list for this month fam!


  1. The 100 GIRLS artist is one of my favorites.

  2. i never heard of him before i read this book, but he's dope!!!
    i need to start checkin' for him!
