Somebody Buy Me This!

okay, times are tight, but i GOTS ta have that new Scott Pilgrim!!! yep, Scott Pilgrim vs The Universe drops next week (Feb 4th), and i reeeeeeally want it, so if you buy it for me, I'll hook you up with something fresh! if one of YOU doesn't buy it for me... i'll uh, buy it myself. but, if you read this review on CBR and i think you'll agree i deserve it!
that's all...


  1. I picked up the first book after totally ignoring it. Then I was hooked! Read it in the bookstore, then purchased it.

    You know a movie is in development right? Michael Cera will play Scott Pilgrim.

    B. O'Malley did his thing.

  2. yep.
    your story sounds a lot like mine. i read the first book in the spring, and by the summer i had all 4 books!

    Scott Pilgrim reminds me of the kind of comics in my imagination, only O'Malley actually got around to drawing his!

  3. "kind of comics in my imagination, only O'Malley actually got around to drawing his!"

    - I'm working on making a couple of strips happen right now.

  4. don't get me wrong... i self-publish, and i'm proud of the comics i've made, but O'malley is making a graphic novel series that has a stamp on it that could only come from him. i give mad props for that!

    i'm working my way up to that!
