From Good, to Bad, to REALLY Bad!

okay, so i finally got my hands on Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Universe, volume 5 of the series by Bryan Lee O'malley. for those just joining us, Scott Pilgrim revolves around the social life of it's twenty-something title character and his adorable supporting cast. it's a lot like Charlie Brown, but with more sex and fight scenes. Its unique blend of action, romance, slice-of-life and humor is-like the immortal Slinky- fun for both girls and boys.
so anyways, similar to vol 3,
Scott Pilgrim Vs The Universe is much, much darker than the uparching Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together (for which O'Malley snagged ghettoManga Cartoonist of the Year and OGN of the Year in 2008)... O'Malley meticulously takes apart the good vibes Scott and Ramona brought into this issue from the last volume. the pressures of moving in together would be hard enough on them, but now the unspoken circumstances of Ramona's breakup with evil-exboyfriend Gideon are casting a shadow over Scott and Ramona's future... and did i mention Scott has to repeatedly battle the Katayanagi Twins and their increasingly tough Robots? yeah, there's that too...
The Darker tone of this volume makes it less fun to read than the last one, but it's still top notch. Scott's repeated references to Clairemont-era X-men storylines echo the concept of this volume that things get much worse before they get better. Even when Scott vanquishes the Twins, there's little cause to celebrate because of... well, you get the idea!
when this volume ends, the stage is set for the ultimate battle with Gideon, so you probably wanna read all five previous joints so you can be ready to complete the collection when volume 6 drops!

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