Tyrese takes a shot at Comics

Singer/Actor Tyrese Gibson (Transformers, Baby Boy, 2Fast 2Furious)throws his hat into the the comics game with his action comic Mayhem (see cover below), which will drop as a miniseries from Image Comics this summer.
“I have always been open minded to new things, and I’ve said this a few times: I’m no comic book veteran, but when I went to Comic-Con to promote ‘Death Race,’ that energy out there really did something to me. I had no idea…So that’s when I decided I wanted to not only be a part of this world, but I wanna create something that I know the die hard comic book followers out there would appreciate,” wrote Gibson

when addressing the inevitable skepticism he would get from fans, Tyrese said it wasn’t conceived as some kind of intellectual property generator for movies or teevee.
Mayhem is a true passion project of mine. Right now, I am not worried about the movie, the merchandising, or other ancillary rights that will naturally follow. All I care about is making the best comic book title possible for readers to enjoy,” he explained.
we'll see... the star is clearly a black male action hero... a perfect vehicle that he would own. that said, the best way to make it viable would be to create a GOOD comic and build a fanbase for it over time. i'll bring you more news on this as i get it...


  1. Rodbuddah10:06 PM CDT

    This I've gotta see!

  2. according to sources, it's dropping this summer. i'm interested to see it too.

  3. a masked guy with guns.
    I'm so excited.
    bleh. This is how Samuel Jackson felt when he noted that rappers were taking all the star roles in hollywood. I hope he shuts me up with a decent book.

  4. what i'm really hoping for is that this sort of project brings more people into comics.

    Tyrese is promoting the HELL out of it, and hopefully some of his fans will get hooked on (or return to) comics.

    the minority comics market is poorly served, and as a result, fluctuates too much. i'm happy to see more minority characters and creators.
