Required Reading...

DC Comics is bringing the Milestone Characters into their mainstream universe (i reserve judgement on that until i read some books), and to set the table, they are reprinting some of the original Milestone books in Trade Paperback format! the first horse out the gate is Dwayne McDuffie, John Paul Leon, and Robert Washington III's Static Shock: Rebirth of the Cool. i have no problem recommending Static, one of the best comics of it's time... you definitely need to cop this! Rebirth of the Cool drops today in stores everywhere.


  1. EzekielRawlins6:25 AM CDT

    Man, I loved the entire Milestone line back in the day. Hate Static's new costume and what ever happened to Robert Washington III?

  2. oops! wrote this last night right before bed... don't tell RWIII i snubbed him! i corrected it, tho'... thanks for catching that, EZ!

    my fave milestone book was Shadow Cabinet, and after that was Static!

  3. EzekielRawlins6:05 PM CDT

    No worries, man, was actually curious where he's been...remember some issues for Valiant he did years ago, but not much else.
