Bend it Like...

that new the Last Airbender trailer. what do ya'll think?


  1. I don't know how I feel about that title design, but the sequence is pretty slick

  2. i've never seen the cartoon. i'm curious what fans of the 'toon will think...

  3. Rodbuddah11:09 PM CDT

    Nice promo!
    I began to wonder when the lens pulls out to reveal the temple from Mortal Kombat;)

    The promo makes it look like a winner, but I need a little more to be sure.

  4. It's a great trailer. And, M. Knights a guy you can count on, though, some may disagree with me on that. I figure It'll be classic material.

  5. For the record, Paul Mooney is right. Hollywood lost their minds years ago.
    The Last Samurai - starring Tom Cruise
    The Mexican - starring Brad Pitt

    The casting for the lead role of this film and Dragon Ball Z leaves much to be desired. I understand that they want a greater reach for a larger audience, but movies like Slumdog Millionaire should dispel their conventional (lack of) wisdom.

    Excuse my rant. I watched the cartoon once. I probably would have enjoyed it as a kid. It's ok.

  6. "but movies like Slumdog Millionaire should dispel their conventional (lack of) wisdom."

    i agree with that 100%

    i'm offended by the constant whitewashing of world culture. i didn't TRY to watch Chun-Li or DBZ for that very reason.
