"Unconscionability" Tees by Dawn Okoro are GO!

if you were smart enough to pre-order one of these fly a$$ teeshirts by superduperfly painter/art goddess Dawn Okoro like i told you to, then breathe easy, because your Tees are back from the printer and on the way, according to Dawn's blog. If you procrastinated and forgot, head over and see if she has extras you can scam. Tell her samax from ghettoManga sent you... it probably won't help you any, but it will help reinforce in her mind that i heart me some her! it looks like she enjoyed doing the shirts, so lets hope we see more tees and other fashionable t'ing from the lovely Mistress Okoro in the future!


  1. Anonymous6:33 PM CDT

    I just want to bang the shit out of her. Other than that, she can keep her t-shirts unless she's wearing them...Mmm!

  2. lol!
    tell us how you REALLY feel! don't hold back! LOL!
