Kanye makes Illustrated Book about... Himself

props to your boy Kanyeyo who once again collaborates with a veteran artist to create another classic. nah, i'm not talking about a new autotune duet with Eminem... it's his new illustrated memoir! Through the Wire: Lyrics & Illuminations will feature the lyrics to 12 Kanye joints accompanied by illustrations by cartoonist Bill Plympton. what makes this fly besides the art is it will have footnotes that explain the references in the songs, biographical components that illuminate the lyrics, and other details that place them in a personal and social context. pretty fresh, i think. Through the Wire: Lyrics & Illuminations, by Kanye West and Bill Plympton drops in mid November.


  1. Did you see the animated video for "Heard Em Say" that Bill Plympton did but was scrapped?

  2. nah, i'ma hafta google it! i'm a big fan of Plympton!

  3. There were two videos released for "Heard em Say" the one that's played most often is the one in the with Ye in the Macy's...

  4. i can't remember the last time i watched a music video on television. youtube IS my mtv.

  5. yea....MTV and BET are the worst..but that's another blog for another day!!

  6. LOL! don't get me started!
