Ali Versus Superman comic returns!

DC announced on the 23rd that Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams' Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali will finally be reprinted  after over 30 years of waiting. Likeness rights kept the book in no man's land (the cover includes the likeness of mad celebrities from Frank Sinatra to Christopher Reeve), but i guess they got all that worked out.

DC will drop two versions of the book in 2010. A deluxe hardcover edition featuring a new Adams cover and additional sketches dating back to the original book's publication, and an even more deluxe special edition hardcover which reprints the original story at its original treasury size. no release date or prices were announced, but i'm sure all that deluxe-ness will cost a grip.


  1. Still have my original copy. Loved that book as a kid.

  2. the original Treasury-size joint was $2.50, so i guess the new one will be about 20-30 bucks.
