CRATE-DIGGIN': Hellboy In Africa

with Mignola and Richard Corben teaming up on Hellboy: The Bride of Hell this month (which i highly recommend, based on that free preview), I thought it was a good idea to dig up Corben's first time tackling everyone's favorite reluctant Beast of the Apocalypse, the 2 issue Hellboy: Makoma. This story was the first time Mignola let another artist draw his signature character, and son got his BEAST on: Corben drew the shit out of the flashback sequences in Africa, as well as smashing both covers. In addition to being just as adept as Mignola at action-horror comics, Corben brings a textured reality (or maybe surreality) to the story that is appropriate for Hellboy. The individual issues might set you back if you manage to track 'em down, but the mini is collected in Hellboy Vol 7: The Troll Witch and Other Stories ($12 and change on Amazon) which also features an otherwise unpublished Hellboy story by P. Craig Russell. definitely something I could recommend for those who want more Corben and/or Hellboy in their life, and who doesn't?!


  1. Of course I can't find this thing on HeavyInk.


    Apparently, Corben also did Hellboy: The Crooked Man that is also OOP.

  2. i'll have to catch the trade on that one. Corben is the man!
