"DOOM like the rain known to come back another day"

The Villain has not quite left the buildin'... your boy from Amistad is back as the Atlantean you love to hate, Thulsa Doom. when we last saw your man, he was in deep, so you know this issue is gonna hit!
the sales pitch: The origin of the ultimate anti-hero, Thulsa Doom, continues here as we conclude our opening story arc! Atlantis is destroyed! The world is in chaos! And Thulsa seeks his own path to ultimate power! From the pages of writer Robert E. Howard comes Dynamite's Thulsa Doom! Written by Kull writer Arvid Nelson and illustrated by Lui (Red Sonja) Antonio with incredible painted covers by Alex Ross!
click the pic for a free preview! this joint will be in your comic shop today, so do the right thing...


  1. The preview had me until Thulsa started in with the Cloud Strife magic sword action. I dislike baroque weaponry in general, but that was just silly.

    I'll just dig out my old Savage Sword of Conan mags and then rent Conan The Barbarian.

    A little James Earl Jones and John Busema will make me feel better.
