that brand NEW...

unfortunately, i wasn't able to get the next chapter of "Spontaneous" done in time for IndyComicBookWeek, but in my constant efforts to turn a negative into a positive, i will drop the next chapter of my freestyle comic (for which the artbook series was named) in COLOR! yay, me!

so anyways, here's page 1 (or page 11, since the first ... 10 pages appeared in the first book, which is still on sale). expect Spontaneous to be printed in January, in time for my appearance at the Underground show, hosted by the fine folks of ArtLoveMagic. this time out, i won't be taking preorders until the book is FINISHED!
stay tuned...


  1. Ruff, rugged and raw! Das my steese!!!

  2. Wow! I've been sleeping lately.
    This looks dope!
    I love the mood of the second panel.

  3. thanks, homie! better late than never!
