submitted by ghettoManga correspondent Michael Lagocki
Dear GhettoManga readers,
Killer issues alert. Marvels trying to sneak a few gems by you.
They hid them in Annuals of books you're probably not reading.

Dark Avengers Annual #1
by Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo.
(this one rocks- Noh Var with brilliant Bachallo art- even for Bachallo fans, this one's off the chain. Some of his very best work. whooooo- bring on the new Captain Marvel)


X Force Annual #1
(X Force Annual? Really?) Yes. This mug is written by Robert Kirkman (Invincible) and drawn by... (wait for it)... Body Bags maestro Jason Pearson!!! Since Pearson only draws a full story between ice ages, you might not want to miss this gem. It's a Wolverine one shot- gritty and grimy.
(click the pics for a free preview)

Both came out this week and are on your local comic shop shelves now (but may not be for long, cause each is better than they should be and retailers probably under-ordered)

That's all.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled whatever.
And remember- friends don't let friends miss good comics.
-Micheal Lagocki is one-fifth of the mighty GhostWerks crew, as well as being the driving force behind the pleasantly notorious art activist massive called ArtLoveMagic, dedicated to overcoming Evil with good art.


  1. Wow, I hadn't heard anything about that Marvel Boy story. I had heard about the Wolvie story, but had no idea where it would show up. Good lookin' out, Mike.

  2. yeah, that Marvel Boy story looks HOT! I would totally buy a Captain Marvel book by this creative team (hint, hint!)

  3. The Dark Avengers story was the better of the two, but of course Pearson art is so rare and good, I'll pick up most anything.

    Some Bachallo stuff is so out there it's hard for me to follow, but this one... ohhh. He brought it.

    I really appreciated it when I found the heads up here at ghetomanga about that Joe Kelly/Eric Canete AMS issue. So I wrote this as payback.

    That'd be a good service for this blog to keep at, by the way. It's easy to miss the rare appearance of a classic artist when it's hidden in a weird place (like an XForce Annual). Those who point towards the light are appreciated by zillions.

  4. yeah, i posted the preview art from Newsarama a while back, but i didn't know it was out yet!

    thanks again!
