WWWMD: What Would War Machine Do?

"When I first got on the set, there was a dispute going on between Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr. about [Jim Rhodes’] character,” Bob Layton explains. “That’s how I was introduced to them. It was like, ‘here’s the guy who helped create the character, why don’t we ask him?’"
Layton is a veteran comicbook writer and artist, and co-creator of  War Machine and his altar-ego Jim Rhodes. with the Iron Man 2 ready to bring War Machine to the screen in all his glory, MTV News reached out to Layton for an interview.
“I can’t really tell you anything particular about the story,” continued Layton. “But there’s a point where Tony and Jim are in disagreement on something pretty major. They were trying to understand what Jim’s motivation would be in that situation. I was flattered that they asked me my opinion on it.”
Layton is being modest: in addition to helping to create the War Machine/Jim Rhodes character, he helped create the Demon In A Bottle storyline and the Armor Wars storyline, both of which I expect to see used to some extent as source material for Iron Man2 based on what I've seen, so far.




  1. Do you know where I can read/see the whole interview with Layton? Thanks!

  2. yup!
