one of the ILLEST action sequences EVER!!!

props to my dude DJ Shwann for this. this shit is HILARIOUS! i know PETA is pro'lly filing injunctions as we speak...


  1. OK, tell me he did not lay that horse down like a motorcycle and sliiiiiddde under that truck! Also, I have to say that the fact that old dude is rockin' a mullet automatically disqualifies it from the the number one spot. I don't know what's number one, but you can't take number one ANYTHING if you've got a mullet.

  2. we'll add "Black Hair Magazine" to the lists of organizations protesting this video!

  3. That cat stopped two running horses with his crotch and a pole. Also had cars exploding for no reason at all. You already said sliding horse so no reason to harp on that.

    All I have to say is: yes.

  4. Man. Horses must be cheap in India, because there were a lot of dead horses after this. That five-horse face-plant was hard to watch. I think I lasted another half-minute.

    Question: do you think Indian equestrian police would a) carry and be trained in the use of lassos and b) drag suspects to booking?

  5. the phrase we use in my crew is "for NO reason at alllll..." for that kind of stuff.

    me- 'damn, Corance! Why they got horses taking one for the team?"

    Corance- "For no reason at aallll..."

    and to your question, I'm sure we could add the Indian Police Antidefamation League to the list of organizations protesting this.

    seriously, the director of this movie will get shot by a PETA sniper if he ever sets foot in the U.S.

    there may be PETA death squads that have no jurisdiction like the Dark Knight over there hunting for this dude as we speak...
