"Black Dynamite and Boondocks were great but it's time to leave Earth..." @LeSeanThomas

I got a dm last night from the mighty LeSean Thomas confirming that production has officially started (in Japan, of course) on his hip hop flavored action-adventure animated series Cannon Busters.

"Plot thickens: Only @IronHelmet when the mask's on. Slim Pickens' spittin's finger-lickin'..."

In past decades, artists like Wu-tang, MF DOOM and Can Ox opened a pandora's box to a whole world of cats who channel the energy of the streets through hip hop, cartoons, comics and cult movies. GhettoManga is here largely to chronicle the fallout from that explosion, since mainstream outlets have lost interest. Slim Pickens aka Iron Helmet perfectly exemplifies that strain of underground hip hop anti-heroism. Peep...