"Plot thickens: Only @IronHelmet when the mask's on. Slim Pickens' spittin's finger-lickin'..."

In past decades, artists like Wu-tang, MF DOOM and Can Ox opened a pandora's box to a whole world of cats who channel the energy of the streets through hip hop, cartoons, comics and cult movies. GhettoManga is here largely to chronicle the fallout from that explosion, since mainstream outlets have lost interest. Slim Pickens aka Iron Helmet perfectly exemplifies that strain of underground hip hop anti-heroism. Peep...

"While in London on my Euro tour last November I spit sum bars over the Stay True instrumental for an interview video I did with Solomon Caine..." says SlimPickens aka Iron Helmet, about the impetus of this track IRONSTYLE. "Caine asked me to record the audio so he could flip the beat on the vocals. I liked how it sounded so much I wanted to release it for folks to hear, I also made a video for it using clips from a London show at Juno."
 Okay, so while we're here, let's peep THE DOOM BROTHERZ: Mystery of the Phantom Flames, the record Slim dropped with Caine production in 2014. 

Yeah, dope. So the way I first came in contact with Iron Helmet via the GhettoManga Facebook page is a pretty cool story in itself that you can get into by clicking here, but that's besides the point. Right now let's focus on his music. This dude is doing this rap shit the right way. Here's The Iron Hell-Met Saga, a record he dropped last year with Third Eye Focused. He shared it with me a while ago, but I didn't share it at the time cause I was busy or something. But I like it, so here you go. You're welcome.

So I'm saying son is a rapping ass dude. I mean there's a lot of music for your streaming pleasure.  
Click here for the Iron Helmet soundcloud
Click here for the Slim Pickens soundcloud.
Here's his YouTube account.
Anyways, feel free to speak up if you got something good to say.
Samax Amen draws people, places and things for fun and profit. He is the artist of many great comics you never heard of like Herman Heed, Champion of Children, The Brother and The World As You Know It. He even writes and draws his own comics, like Dare: The Adventures of Darius Davidson, Spontaneous, and Manchild when he gets around to it. Because making comics is hard and stuff, he started GhettoManga as a blog in 2006 and as a print magazine in 2008. 
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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