fam... John Oliver WENT IN on my old J. O. B.

I'm gonna be honest fam...

That was one rough weekend...

I was charging hard last week to try and meet a goal (didn't make it), then the weekend came.

Bringing with it not one, but two mass shootings.

Although I could recognize it as a feeling, not a reality, I let a rush of sadness dominate my senses over the weekend, and impacted my creative output.

I couldn't focus.

I was barely able to draw.

I felt a familiar feeling of wanting to give up.

Not just on my work, but on trying to make a difference in the lives of people around me.

Then I got a reminder of why I'm doing this...

Customers Serve Us by Samax Amen

Customers Serve Us is a one panel comic I made a few months before I quit my job in 2016.

Two days before the New Year, I quit that job and never looked back.

I have been freelancing full-time ever since.

Making comics and comic strips.
Doing Live Art.
Blogging for clients.
Coaching artists.
Helping people think of dope ideas.
Drawing Cartoon Portraits.

The usual.

Anyways, after the aforementioned rough weekend, I caught this episode of Last Week Tonight, wherein John Oliver goes in on the Prison Industrial Complex, aka Modern Day Slavery.
John Oliver explains how prisoners make and spend money, and how companies can profit at the expense of their families.

In case you don't have time to watch all 18+ minutes of this, you might want to dip in at around the 11 and a half minute mark, where he tears my old job- Securus Technologies- a new one.

If that video raises your eyebrows, I assure you that the reality is even worse.

Anyways, after leaving a soul-sucking predatory company like that, I have made it my business to use my skills and talent to help people as much as I can.

After leaving that job, I have helped all kinds of people with my art, and figured out tons of ways to make money from my skills.

Sometimes, I get paid by the person I help, and other times, people pay me to help their clients and customers.

Need help sorting it out?

You don't have figure it out all by yourself.  

I can coach you through the process of turning your unique set of skills, aptitudes, and desires into a way to exchange value for dollars.

So click here to set up a free* phone or video call, and together we'll make a plan just for you.

Thanks again for reading,  fam.

Have a great day!
-Samax ("some AX") Amen

*PS My time ain't gonna be free forever,fam.  Get in where you fit in...

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