FREELANCER LIFE- So(called)cial Media Fans by Samax Amen

When I get mad about something, instead of vaguebooking or ranting on Twitter, I draw comic strips...

Hey, fam!

The weekend is here, again.  I have been running ads most of the month, and posting on social media to get data to make some business decisions I won't bore you with.

But I do wanna talk about people's behavior on the internet, especially on social media.

It's weird.
FREELANCER LIFE #10: Social Media Fans
FREELANCER LIFE #10: Social Media Fans
FREELANCER LIFE #10: Social Media Fans

FREELANCER LIFE #10: So<called>cial Media Fans by Samax Amen
Adobe Photoshop + Cintiq

I was gonna rant about the goofy ways people act on the internet.

But I won't.  I will give you one example of a thing people do that I think is weird.

So I have been running ads on my Facebook pages and noticed that if I share a link, more people click the reactions (like, love, wow, etc) than actually click through to go to the website.  Even if it's for art that they can only partially see.

Are they not curious to see the art?  And if not, why click "like"?

I find that very frustrating when I am trying to use social to sell stuff.

I could rant about this for a 1000 more words, but the reality is it's not the people on Facebook's job to create content that makes them want to click those links.

It's mine.

Rant cancelled.

Back to the drawing board.

If you'd like a signed 8x8 copy of this strip, click the button below to order for just $27 (includes domestic shipping).
"So(called)cial Media Fans" 8x8 $27

This comic strip brought to you by

Join NEXT LEVEL Freelancers today, and get my new book #FreelancingFAIL  for FREE!

Well, I gotta get back to work,  fam.
Thanks so much for reading!

Have a great weekend!
-Samax ("some AX") Amen

**P.S. Got a funny story about freelancing you'd like to see in FREELANCER LIFE?  CLICK HERE to submit  your story via Facebook Messenger, OR CLICK HERE to schedule a free call to chat with me about it!

*** P.S.S. If you have a business that helps freelancers,and you'd like to sponsor an episode of FREELANCER LIFElet me know!

m o r e...

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