At the Top of the game like the Score board ---->

Thug Melody by C-Rayz Walz
my first exposure to C-rayz Walz was on a song called Battle for Asgard off the classic Cannibal Ox spinner The Cold Vein where he opens his verse with the open-mouth declaration "Battle for Asgard, and we fight as gods"... C-Rayz reminds me of the rappers that had me mesmerized as a kid, weaving in and out of real and imaginary life so much, it's not clear if they would be more at home in an action movie or a Saturday morning cartoon.

Elephant Guns by C-Rayz Walz
Walz raps about all the same things that keep me yawning when other rappers do it (guns, women, how awesome they are, etc), but he does it like he just got back from another universe! he also laces in so many unexpected phrases and ideas that he's impossible to sleep on. when i bought Ravipops (The Substance) after recognizing him from his Can Ox cameo, it was probably a couple years old. Still, it very rarely came out of my ceedee player for awhile... and much of the time, it was spinning on repeat, playing Thug Melody or Elephant Gunz, both of which feature Walz spitting fiercely over beats by Belief (who is nice wit' it). if you like emcee battles, freestyle rhymes, or want an introduction to real hipHop, you need go no further than this super-prolific emcee... if you like these songs, rotate over to his mySpace page or twitter, and see what he got for you... anyways, hope y'all enjoy!