Black Panther is Getting GOOD!

i've found myself really enjoying Black Panther lately! T'challa's sister has taken up the mantle of the Black Panther, but T'challa still features prominently in the story, as he's recovering from his defeat at the hands of Dr Doom and plotting his revenge. In an interview with CBR, Black Panther's new writer- novelist Jonathan Maberry- reveals that his take on Black Panther will be about not just the Panther, but the entire Wakandan Royal Family. i've also enjoyed the way Maberry weaves international political intrigue into his stories, something that reminds me of venerated Black Panther scribe Priest from the previous volume. click the pic to read Maberry's interview with CBR, and don't forget to sample the free preview of issue #9 which is in stores now!


  1. I've only read Black Panther sparingly since Priest left, but this current direction looks pretty cool. Plus, that art ain't bad. I'll make an effort to catch up with it.

  2. the last few issues have been very intriguing. i can't say i was thrilled to see T'challa defeated, but his actions since then have been fascinating!
